In the Time of Covid-19: Amy
In the Time of Covid-19: Amy

Private Collection

oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


I wear my mask in solidarity with individuals and communities struggling to survive this pandemic. At a time when our actions have great meaning, the mask is both my protector and my message: I stand with you. I stand with you while you’re fighting on the front lines, exposed to the virus as part of your job, and supporting us with your essential work. I stand with those of you who are and care for vulnerable communities and people. I stand for eliminating the continued destruction of those in unequitable conditions. I stand for our future. I stand in hope and appreciation.

In the Time of Covid-19: Roy
In the Time of Covid-19: Roy

oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, $125: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


Weird times we’re living in 2020. However, one of my biggest wondering is how did wearing a mask during these horrendous times of worldwide pandemic suddenly become an issue of freedom and constitutional rights? Airports are my habitual workplace, and you, by not wearing a mask, are endangering my life, not yours. Where in the constitution does it say you’re “entitled” to come to my workplace and endanger my life there? Thankfully, freedom works both ways: if you might be at freedom not to wear a mask, I’m definitely at freedom to kick you off my plane. Problem solved! Go Blue and stay safe everyone.

In the Time of Covid-19: Letty
In the Time of Covid-19: Letty

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In Time of Covid-19: Rob
In Time of Covid-19: Rob


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s Statement


Covid 19 has radically changed what is my "normal". As a pediatrician in a suburban private practice, I have seen Covid enter my corner of the world. My colleagues and I mask and glove before we see each patient, and now we are requiring them to mask as well. Three-year olds are coming in showing off their super-hero or dinosaur mask. During these anxious times we are all wanting to protect our patients, our co-workers, our families and ourselves. Most of the time we can do that, but not always. This is our new normal.

In the Time of Covid-19
In the Time of Covid-19

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In the Time of Covid-19: Jayne
In the Time of Covid-19: Jayne


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement

In Guad(alupe) we trust

It was early March, before we knew that masks would be part of our daily wardrobe and I saw these Guadalupe Cubrebocas and thought ‘In Guad we trust’ - an extra layer of protection. Stylish too! It’s now become an appendage. Always around my neck in preparation for my next encounter. Another in my purse. And several paper masks to give to those who aren’t wearing one. It’s no longer a fashion statement. It’s a lifeline to health. And still “In Guad I Trust” that Mexico and the world will heal.

In the Time of Covid-19
In the Time of Covid-19

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

model’s statement

The Monge Sisters

This virus has kept us away from our families and friends, from going places to have fun like swimming on a pool going to the park and to our favor restaurants and more important from our education at our schools and church.

In the Time of Covid-19: Geoffrey
In the Time of Covid-19: Geoffrey

Oil on art board

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


“Forever Plaid” is a musical farce that I saw with my immediate family one summer before we moved from West Virginia to Michigan. But when we first moved to the “Mountain State” we were very much “strangers in a strange land” isolated from all we knew, and all that was familiar. In spite of this - and because we are creative and resourceful people, woven together like a family tartan - we adopted an attitude of surprise and wonder when faced by what was unpredictable and unexpected. Today I am witnessing another farce - albeit a grim one – with leading actors who are much more tragic than comedic. Nevertheless, like the thespians of old, I too don a mask to play my part. But the role I choose to play is one that continues to demand of me thoughtful creativity and resourcefulness, along with hope filled wonder. So ultreya, let us each persevere in resisting evil!

In the Time of Covid-19: Krista
In the Time of Covid-19: Krista


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


My work as a physician involves an older patient population. I frequently have to raise my voice as many are hard of hearing and rely on a kind smile to convey compassion and warmth. Now, wearing two masks, eye protection and a face shield, I find myself speaking even louder. How scary it must be to have someone “yelling” to you when you’re sick and not knowing that they are smiling at you beneath the extra layers of protection. The discomfort of the masks is doable to keep myself and others safe, but I look forward to a day when others know I’m smiling at them.

In the Time of Covid-19: David M
In the Time of Covid-19: David M


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement

Community Consciousness

Mask wearing to me has become automatic now or to use an overused expression “the new normal”. During this pandemic I have asked myself this question each day: What am I grateful for? What “normal” expectation am I letting go of? I am letting go of expecting to go out without a mask. I wear a mask to show how much I love my community here in San Miguel and to live in gratitude. I am so thankful for how this city has accepted me and how it has nourished my soul.

In the Time of Covid-19: Julie
In the Time of Covid-19: Julie


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement

The Gift

I first realized Covid19 was in our area while I was sitting in the emergency room with my partner whom I brought in for stomach pain. The Doc wanted to send him to Vanderbilt, but they were full of Covid patients. A week later we learned he had cancer in his pancreas, stomach and liver. As the world was spinning with the pandemic, we were spinning with the fact that he was dying. On March 29th he died in my arms. The pandemic seemed fitting in a way. Everyone's world had changed. The mask was a welcome gift. If I can keep my eyes from being read people can't see my lips quiver when they ask how I am doing. It was a gift my classes were cancelled; I didn't know how I could teach. I grieve with the rest who lost someone in this storm... in the time of Covid.

In the Time of Covid-19: Elizabeth
In the Time of Covid-19: Elizabeth


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


Retired (19 Years)

Healthy (moderately)

Happy (very)

Adventurous (within reason)

Sociable (Zoom)

Holiday fund (small).

Confined (like jail)

Apprehensive (Covid 19)

Precautionary (medically orientated)

Isolated (from family and friends)

Frustrated (life is too short to waste).

In the Time of Covid-19: David C.
In the Time of Covid-19: David C.

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Mode’s statement

The Right Thing to Do

Like many, the pandemic has elicited both positive and negative experiences for me. On the positive side, I have had more opportunities to write read, paint, walk, meditate, reconnect (virtually) with old friends, be more mindful and present, awaken my senses, heighten political awareness. Also, at times the pandemic has brought out feelings of depression, loneliness, despair and disbelief, particularly at seeing how some people treat one another when "the chips are down. Personally, mask wearing has been an easy adjustment. It is so obviously the right thing to do to protect others and contain this pandemic, and at most an inconvenience.

In the Time of Covid-19
In the Time of Covid-19

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

in the Time of Covid-19: Beth-Sarah
in the Time of Covid-19: Beth-Sarah

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


The day began with sunshine beaming through the trees. We gathered under the canopy- rabbis, priests, prayer warriors from all faith traditions. We came to pray. Pray with our words, with our feet, with our hearts. Our faces were covered. Masks of every color and pattern and material. We stood apart socially distancing and faces covered connected by our eyes and our commitment to justice. Then the rain came. A trickle at first then a downpour soaking our masks and hair and clothes. We prayed out loud. With each utterance, I could taste the rainwater and the drenched mask stifled my next breath. But I wore the mask to honor a man who could not breathe. We wore the mask for safety. To honor each other. To honor the lives of those unjustly and abruptly ended. To honor the God of us all. We wore our masks to pray.

In the Time of Covid-19: Mario
In the Time of Covid-19: Mario

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


As I get ready to go to work every day, I realize that we are a society of many different levels. Where each one of us has to do the best that we can to stay safe... that said, I find myself confused, concerned, scared. But mainly worried that I might go to work and get sick and come back home and get my family sick. But then I can say I’m one of the lucky ones... since my other immediately family some of them have lost jobs, and barely have enough to eat. So, everything is about intersectionality. Depending where in the cracks you fall and become invisible to society.

In the Time of Covid-19: Adan
In the Time of Covid-19: Adan

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In the Time of Covid-19: Keith
In the Time of Covid-19: Keith


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


Like many people, the reality of COVID-19 swept around me in early March. As a priest, our church scrambled with decisions like cancelling services. Since then, we have worked to change how we are a community without being physically present. Zoom and YouTube are new ways we connect for worship, study, and fellowship. The hardest part so far is not being able to be there when someone is sick with COVID-19 or other illnesses. I have learned through this to appreciate our life together, grieve what we've lost, and stretch what it means to love.

In the Time of Covid-19
In the Time of Covid-19

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In the Time of Covid-19: Kelli
In the Time of Covid-19: Kelli


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


Mid-March came stay-at-home orders and the mandate temporarily closing all faith community campuses. We were hopeful we would return by Easter. Easter came and went-Alleluia, anyway. Celebrating Holy Eucharist is so central to the life of a priest, and the past few months have been quite unsettling. Then word came that, beginning Pentecost Sunday, four people could be inside the church building to broadcast Sunday worship. This portrait of a priest at Pentecost during a quarantine holds a whole range of emotion and spirituality I balance these days of pandemic-induced modifications to life as a priest and life as the Beloved Community.

In the Time of Covid-19: Ed
In the Time of Covid-19: Ed

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


The Pandemic is bigger than me. It’s meant time spent in isolation, fear, confusion and lots of prayer. It’s reminded me of my ministry, why I care about people, and why I continue to be hopeful. I think we’re being presented with an opportunity to have a renewed appreciation and gratitude for life itself. I don’t mind wearing my mask…it keeps us all safe, but can’t hide my sadness. My eyes are still a window to my soul. That hasn’t changed.

In the Time of Covid-19: Ann & Robert
In the Time of Covid-19: Ann & Robert

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


Pandemic separation has meant separation from being with our grandchildren and their parents, separation from family gatherings, separation from worshiping in person, separation from friends, separation from medical care in a time of developing illness - and at the same time finding new ways to connect at a distance. Making masks and giving them away gave me a chance to connect with people. Our at home time together has been a cocoon of comfort. We are grateful for virtual connectedness and long for up close and personal connectedness once again.

In Time of Covid-19: Mary
In Time of Covid-19: Mary

Private Collection

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement

In the Time of Covid-19: Beth
In the Time of Covid-19: Beth

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement

Mask Up!

When the pandemic began it was very hard times staying at home the first three months (March - June) learning about COVID-19. Had to cancel my birthday plans in May to Xtapa. My two loving companions Chloe (14yrs) in March and Suerte (13yrs) in June went to doggy heaven. Wearing my homemade pony mask by Yoli keeps me safe and at peace!

In Time of Covid-19: Julius
In Time of Covid-19: Julius


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


The pandemic has been a roller coaster of emotions for me and finding a balance to maintain a mental safe place, has often been quite overwhelming. The sickness, deaths, and the daily ritual of taking extra precautions to “stay safe, can really begin to play with the “psyche!” Finding time to meditate, communicating with friends/acquaintances, as well as daily deep breathes, have all been a huge help to me, in overcoming much of the anxiety. Social media “comic relief’ has also been most appreciated. I wear my mast to protect others, and I must admit, I feel safer wearing one, particularly when I am near other people.

In the Time of Covid-19: Rick
In the Time of Covid-19: Rick

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement

Cover Your Mug

Our history as a country strangely repeats itself. In 1918, while the world was in the grip of the Spanish Flu, people refusing to wear face coverings were called “mask slackers,” who organized, among other things, the Anti-Mask League of San Francisco, and fomented violent clashes with mask supporters. These days—where to start?—we have a Freedom to Breathe Agency that issues fake mask exemption cards, and gun-toting characters in the streets claiming their God-given right to bare their faces. Even given all that’s changed in the medical profession during the past century, however, some basic science remains true: wearing masks proves the most effective way to protect ourselves and especially others. It’s as simple as that.

In the Time of Covid-19: Mitch
In the Time of Covid-19: Mitch

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In the Time of Covid-19: Mac
In the Time of Covid-19: Mac

Private collection

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Artist’s statement

Masks: 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic

In May 2020, after a month of quarantine in our home in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, I looked in a mirror and saw my face masked with a simple white mask that I had sewn using instructions from the NYTimes. I took a selfie and painted. Fast, simple, loose paint strokes. No mouth or nose to be seen, only the eyes. I sent a photo of the painting to my oldest daughter; she sent me a selfie of herself masked. I painted her. “Dad, you should do a series!” I asked others to send masked selfies. I received more than fifty responses: men, women, Anglo, Hispanic, Black, straight, LGBT, doctors, pilot, students, retirees – the wide diversity of who we are. Thank you, all who responded. I could not paint them all. Here are twenty-eight paintings. The masks and the eyes say much of who we are. Stay Safe.

 Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches  2020  $400  (shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches



(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

 Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches  2020  $400  (shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches



(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

 Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches  2020  $400  (shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches



(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

 oil on board  15 x 17 inches, framed 19 x 21 inches  2020   Sold    (shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

oil on board

15 x 17 inches, framed 19 x 21 inches



(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Hanks: At the Bar
Hanks: At the Bar

oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.6 x 51 centimeters


$900 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Taco Tuesday
Taco Tuesday

oil on canvass

50 x 70 centimeters

$1200 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on canvass

20 x 24 inches

51 x 61 centimeters


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

La Traída del Señor de la Columna
La Traída del Señor de la Columna

oil on canvass

19.75 x 27.5 inches

50 x 70 centimeters


$1200 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

 Lili de las Montañas
Lili de las Montañas

oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Vudu Chili at the Piano Bar
Vudu Chili at the Piano Bar

oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches

$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Woman with a Pearl
Woman with a Pearl

oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on panel


oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Sunset Bar
Sunset Bar

oil on canvass


The Child
The Child

oil on wood panel

private collection

Easter Vigil
Easter Vigil

oil on canvass

private collection


oil on canvass

18 x 24 inches

46 x 61 centimeters



oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


private collection

In the Time of Covid-19: Amy
In the Time of Covid-19: Roy
In the Time of Covid-19: Letty
In Time of Covid-19: Rob
In the Time of Covid-19
In the Time of Covid-19: Jayne
In the Time of Covid-19
In the Time of Covid-19: Geoffrey
In the Time of Covid-19: Krista
In the Time of Covid-19: David M
In the Time of Covid-19: Julie
In the Time of Covid-19: Elizabeth
In the Time of Covid-19: David C.
In the Time of Covid-19
in the Time of Covid-19: Beth-Sarah
In the Time of Covid-19: Mario
In the Time of Covid-19: Adan
In the Time of Covid-19: Keith
In the Time of Covid-19
In the Time of Covid-19: Kelli
In the Time of Covid-19: Ed
In the Time of Covid-19: Ann & Robert
In Time of Covid-19: Mary
In the Time of Covid-19: Beth
In Time of Covid-19: Julius
In the Time of Covid-19: Rick
In the Time of Covid-19: Mitch
In the Time of Covid-19: Mac
 Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches  2020  $400  (shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)
 Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches  2020  $400  (shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)
 Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches  2020  $400  (shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)
 oil on board  15 x 17 inches, framed 19 x 21 inches  2020   Sold    (shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)
Hanks: At the Bar
Taco Tuesday
La Traída del Señor de la Columna
 Lili de las Montañas
Vudu Chili at the Piano Bar
Woman with a Pearl
Sunset Bar
The Child
Easter Vigil
In the Time of Covid-19: Amy

Private Collection

oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


I wear my mask in solidarity with individuals and communities struggling to survive this pandemic. At a time when our actions have great meaning, the mask is both my protector and my message: I stand with you. I stand with you while you’re fighting on the front lines, exposed to the virus as part of your job, and supporting us with your essential work. I stand with those of you who are and care for vulnerable communities and people. I stand for eliminating the continued destruction of those in unequitable conditions. I stand for our future. I stand in hope and appreciation.

In the Time of Covid-19: Roy

oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, $125: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


Weird times we’re living in 2020. However, one of my biggest wondering is how did wearing a mask during these horrendous times of worldwide pandemic suddenly become an issue of freedom and constitutional rights? Airports are my habitual workplace, and you, by not wearing a mask, are endangering my life, not yours. Where in the constitution does it say you’re “entitled” to come to my workplace and endanger my life there? Thankfully, freedom works both ways: if you might be at freedom not to wear a mask, I’m definitely at freedom to kick you off my plane. Problem solved! Go Blue and stay safe everyone.

In the Time of Covid-19: Letty

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In Time of Covid-19: Rob


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s Statement


Covid 19 has radically changed what is my "normal". As a pediatrician in a suburban private practice, I have seen Covid enter my corner of the world. My colleagues and I mask and glove before we see each patient, and now we are requiring them to mask as well. Three-year olds are coming in showing off their super-hero or dinosaur mask. During these anxious times we are all wanting to protect our patients, our co-workers, our families and ourselves. Most of the time we can do that, but not always. This is our new normal.

In the Time of Covid-19

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In the Time of Covid-19: Jayne


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement

In Guad(alupe) we trust

It was early March, before we knew that masks would be part of our daily wardrobe and I saw these Guadalupe Cubrebocas and thought ‘In Guad we trust’ - an extra layer of protection. Stylish too! It’s now become an appendage. Always around my neck in preparation for my next encounter. Another in my purse. And several paper masks to give to those who aren’t wearing one. It’s no longer a fashion statement. It’s a lifeline to health. And still “In Guad I Trust” that Mexico and the world will heal.

In the Time of Covid-19

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

model’s statement

The Monge Sisters

This virus has kept us away from our families and friends, from going places to have fun like swimming on a pool going to the park and to our favor restaurants and more important from our education at our schools and church.

In the Time of Covid-19: Geoffrey

Oil on art board

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


“Forever Plaid” is a musical farce that I saw with my immediate family one summer before we moved from West Virginia to Michigan. But when we first moved to the “Mountain State” we were very much “strangers in a strange land” isolated from all we knew, and all that was familiar. In spite of this - and because we are creative and resourceful people, woven together like a family tartan - we adopted an attitude of surprise and wonder when faced by what was unpredictable and unexpected. Today I am witnessing another farce - albeit a grim one – with leading actors who are much more tragic than comedic. Nevertheless, like the thespians of old, I too don a mask to play my part. But the role I choose to play is one that continues to demand of me thoughtful creativity and resourcefulness, along with hope filled wonder. So ultreya, let us each persevere in resisting evil!

In the Time of Covid-19: Krista


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


My work as a physician involves an older patient population. I frequently have to raise my voice as many are hard of hearing and rely on a kind smile to convey compassion and warmth. Now, wearing two masks, eye protection and a face shield, I find myself speaking even louder. How scary it must be to have someone “yelling” to you when you’re sick and not knowing that they are smiling at you beneath the extra layers of protection. The discomfort of the masks is doable to keep myself and others safe, but I look forward to a day when others know I’m smiling at them.

In the Time of Covid-19: David M


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement

Community Consciousness

Mask wearing to me has become automatic now or to use an overused expression “the new normal”. During this pandemic I have asked myself this question each day: What am I grateful for? What “normal” expectation am I letting go of? I am letting go of expecting to go out without a mask. I wear a mask to show how much I love my community here in San Miguel and to live in gratitude. I am so thankful for how this city has accepted me and how it has nourished my soul.

In the Time of Covid-19: Julie


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement

The Gift

I first realized Covid19 was in our area while I was sitting in the emergency room with my partner whom I brought in for stomach pain. The Doc wanted to send him to Vanderbilt, but they were full of Covid patients. A week later we learned he had cancer in his pancreas, stomach and liver. As the world was spinning with the pandemic, we were spinning with the fact that he was dying. On March 29th he died in my arms. The pandemic seemed fitting in a way. Everyone's world had changed. The mask was a welcome gift. If I can keep my eyes from being read people can't see my lips quiver when they ask how I am doing. It was a gift my classes were cancelled; I didn't know how I could teach. I grieve with the rest who lost someone in this storm... in the time of Covid.

In the Time of Covid-19: Elizabeth


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


Retired (19 Years)

Healthy (moderately)

Happy (very)

Adventurous (within reason)

Sociable (Zoom)

Holiday fund (small).

Confined (like jail)

Apprehensive (Covid 19)

Precautionary (medically orientated)

Isolated (from family and friends)

Frustrated (life is too short to waste).

In the Time of Covid-19: David C.

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Mode’s statement

The Right Thing to Do

Like many, the pandemic has elicited both positive and negative experiences for me. On the positive side, I have had more opportunities to write read, paint, walk, meditate, reconnect (virtually) with old friends, be more mindful and present, awaken my senses, heighten political awareness. Also, at times the pandemic has brought out feelings of depression, loneliness, despair and disbelief, particularly at seeing how some people treat one another when "the chips are down. Personally, mask wearing has been an easy adjustment. It is so obviously the right thing to do to protect others and contain this pandemic, and at most an inconvenience.

In the Time of Covid-19

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

in the Time of Covid-19: Beth-Sarah

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


The day began with sunshine beaming through the trees. We gathered under the canopy- rabbis, priests, prayer warriors from all faith traditions. We came to pray. Pray with our words, with our feet, with our hearts. Our faces were covered. Masks of every color and pattern and material. We stood apart socially distancing and faces covered connected by our eyes and our commitment to justice. Then the rain came. A trickle at first then a downpour soaking our masks and hair and clothes. We prayed out loud. With each utterance, I could taste the rainwater and the drenched mask stifled my next breath. But I wore the mask to honor a man who could not breathe. We wore the mask for safety. To honor each other. To honor the lives of those unjustly and abruptly ended. To honor the God of us all. We wore our masks to pray.

In the Time of Covid-19: Mario

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


As I get ready to go to work every day, I realize that we are a society of many different levels. Where each one of us has to do the best that we can to stay safe... that said, I find myself confused, concerned, scared. But mainly worried that I might go to work and get sick and come back home and get my family sick. But then I can say I’m one of the lucky ones... since my other immediately family some of them have lost jobs, and barely have enough to eat. So, everything is about intersectionality. Depending where in the cracks you fall and become invisible to society.

In the Time of Covid-19: Adan

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In the Time of Covid-19: Keith


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


Like many people, the reality of COVID-19 swept around me in early March. As a priest, our church scrambled with decisions like cancelling services. Since then, we have worked to change how we are a community without being physically present. Zoom and YouTube are new ways we connect for worship, study, and fellowship. The hardest part so far is not being able to be there when someone is sick with COVID-19 or other illnesses. I have learned through this to appreciate our life together, grieve what we've lost, and stretch what it means to love.

In the Time of Covid-19

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In the Time of Covid-19: Kelli


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


Mid-March came stay-at-home orders and the mandate temporarily closing all faith community campuses. We were hopeful we would return by Easter. Easter came and went-Alleluia, anyway. Celebrating Holy Eucharist is so central to the life of a priest, and the past few months have been quite unsettling. Then word came that, beginning Pentecost Sunday, four people could be inside the church building to broadcast Sunday worship. This portrait of a priest at Pentecost during a quarantine holds a whole range of emotion and spirituality I balance these days of pandemic-induced modifications to life as a priest and life as the Beloved Community.

In the Time of Covid-19: Ed

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


The Pandemic is bigger than me. It’s meant time spent in isolation, fear, confusion and lots of prayer. It’s reminded me of my ministry, why I care about people, and why I continue to be hopeful. I think we’re being presented with an opportunity to have a renewed appreciation and gratitude for life itself. I don’t mind wearing my mask…it keeps us all safe, but can’t hide my sadness. My eyes are still a window to my soul. That hasn’t changed.

In the Time of Covid-19: Ann & Robert

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement


Pandemic separation has meant separation from being with our grandchildren and their parents, separation from family gatherings, separation from worshiping in person, separation from friends, separation from medical care in a time of developing illness - and at the same time finding new ways to connect at a distance. Making masks and giving them away gave me a chance to connect with people. Our at home time together has been a cocoon of comfort. We are grateful for virtual connectedness and long for up close and personal connectedness once again.

In Time of Covid-19: Mary

Private Collection

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement

In the Time of Covid-19: Beth

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement

Mask Up!

When the pandemic began it was very hard times staying at home the first three months (March - June) learning about COVID-19. Had to cancel my birthday plans in May to Xtapa. My two loving companions Chloe (14yrs) in March and Suerte (13yrs) in June went to doggy heaven. Wearing my homemade pony mask by Yoli keeps me safe and at peace!

In Time of Covid-19: Julius


Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Model’s statement


The pandemic has been a roller coaster of emotions for me and finding a balance to maintain a mental safe place, has often been quite overwhelming. The sickness, deaths, and the daily ritual of taking extra precautions to “stay safe, can really begin to play with the “psyche!” Finding time to meditate, communicating with friends/acquaintances, as well as daily deep breathes, have all been a huge help to me, in overcoming much of the anxiety. Social media “comic relief’ has also been most appreciated. I wear my mast to protect others, and I must admit, I feel safer wearing one, particularly when I am near other people.

In the Time of Covid-19: Rick

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Model’s statement

Cover Your Mug

Our history as a country strangely repeats itself. In 1918, while the world was in the grip of the Spanish Flu, people refusing to wear face coverings were called “mask slackers,” who organized, among other things, the Anti-Mask League of San Francisco, and fomented violent clashes with mask supporters. These days—where to start?—we have a Freedom to Breathe Agency that issues fake mask exemption cards, and gun-toting characters in the streets claiming their God-given right to bare their faces. Even given all that’s changed in the medical profession during the past century, however, some basic science remains true: wearing masks proves the most effective way to protect ourselves and especially others. It’s as simple as that.

In the Time of Covid-19: Mitch

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches


(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

In the Time of Covid-19: Mac

Private collection

Oil on art board, 12 x 16 inches

Artist’s statement

Masks: 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic

In May 2020, after a month of quarantine in our home in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, I looked in a mirror and saw my face masked with a simple white mask that I had sewn using instructions from the NYTimes. I took a selfie and painted. Fast, simple, loose paint strokes. No mouth or nose to be seen, only the eyes. I sent a photo of the painting to my oldest daughter; she sent me a selfie of herself masked. I painted her. “Dad, you should do a series!” I asked others to send masked selfies. I received more than fifty responses: men, women, Anglo, Hispanic, Black, straight, LGBT, doctors, pilot, students, retirees – the wide diversity of who we are. Thank you, all who responded. I could not paint them all. Here are twenty-eight paintings. The masks and the eyes say much of who we are. Stay Safe.

Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches



(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches



(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Acrylic on art board, 12 x 16 inches



(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

oil on board

15 x 17 inches, framed 19 x 21 inches



(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Hanks: At the Bar

oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.6 x 51 centimeters


$900 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Taco Tuesday

oil on canvass

50 x 70 centimeters

$1200 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on canvass

20 x 24 inches

51 x 61 centimeters


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

La Traída del Señor de la Columna

oil on canvass

19.75 x 27.5 inches

50 x 70 centimeters


$1200 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Lili de las Montañas

oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Vudu Chili at the Piano Bar

oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches

$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Woman with a Pearl

oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on panel


oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)


oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


$500 USD

(shipping available to USA, price upon request: shipping, handling, insurance; payments: cash and PayPal)

Sunset Bar

oil on canvass


The Child

oil on wood panel

private collection

Easter Vigil

oil on canvass

private collection


oil on canvass

18 x 24 inches

46 x 61 centimeters



oil on canvass

16 x 20 inches

40.5 x 51 inches


private collection

show thumbnails